
IEEE Canada Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governing board of IEEE Canada, and is also known as the “IEEE Region 7 Committee». The Board is required to act in conformance with the IEEE Canada Bylaws and the constitution and bylaws of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

The Board is comprised of the following voting members:

  • The officers – President, President-elect, Past-president, Secretary, and Treasurer;
  • The Chair of each Section or, with notice to the President, a designate for a particular meeting;
  • The Regional Student Representative;
  • The Chairs of each of the five Standing Committee Groups
  • Educational Services Group
  • External Relations Group
  • Member Services Group
  • Operational Support Group
  • Publications and Communications Group

The Board is comprised of the following non-voting members:

  • Three Area Chairs: Canada East Area, Canada Central Area, Canada West Area
  • Directors Emeriti
  • Members of the IEEE Board of Directors residing within Canada
  • IEEE Canada Administrator – providing administrative support to the Board
  • CONAC Chair
  • IEEE Canadian Foundation President
  • Parliamentarian

The Board normally meets twice each year face-to-face. One meeting is in the Spring; often immediately before the annual Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. The other is in the Fall at a central Canada location – every third year a board meeting may be at IEEE Sections Congress. In addition, the Board usually meets twice virtually, once at the beginning of the year to introduce new Board members to the Board meeting format and approve major IEEE Canada awards and once in the late spring to handle Chair appointments for the following year and interim business.

Please see the names of the IEEE volunteers who serve on this board and other IEEE Canada entities, as well as the Operations Manual for the descriptions of all volunteer activities. There is one part-time staff support person who is known as the the IEEE Canada Administrator.

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