- Current Board of Directors
- Bylaws, Operations Manual, and Executive Committee Role Descriptions
- Board of Directors
- Executive Committee
- Steering Committee
- Audit Committee
- Nominations & Appointments Committee
- Conference Advisory Committee – CONAC
- The Administrator
- Treasurer’s Handbook (PDF)
- Upcoming Meetings
- Photo Gallery from various meetings
- Presidents and Regional Directors by year of office
- Sections by year of formation
Note: the Board of Directors is also known as the Regional Committee.
Region Committee Volunteers
- Documents for Region Committee Volunteers (Restricted Access)
IEEE Canada Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is subject to the decisions of the Board of Directors and acts in between the meetings of the Board.
The Executive Committee is comprised of the following voting members:
- The officers – President, President-elect, Past-president, Secretary, and Treasurer;
- The Chair of each of the Canada West, Central, and East Areas or, with notice to the President, a designate for a particular meeting;
- The Chair of the External Relations Committee;
- The Chair of the Member Services Committee;
- The Chair of the Publications and Communications Committee;
- The Directors Emeriti.
- The Chair of the Educational Services Committee
- The Chair of the Operational Support Committee
The Parliamentarian, CONAC Chair, and the IEEE Canada Administrator are non-voting members of the Executive Committee
Please see this page for the names of the IEEE volunteers who serve on this committee and other IEEE Canada entities.
IEEE Canada Steering Committee
The Steering Committee shall set the annual goals and objectives for IEEE Canada, approve appointment of committee and area chairs, nominate candidates for President-Elect (Director-Elect), and approve the compensation for the IEEE Canada Administrator as recommended by the Past-President. All actions by the Steering Committee shall be reported by the President to the next Executive Committee and Board meetings.
The Steering Committee is comprised of the following voting members:
- The officers – President, President-elect, Past-president, Secretary, and Treasurer;
- The Directors Emeriti.
The Parliamentarian is a non-voting member of the Steering Committee.
Please see this page for the names of the IEEE volunteers who serve on this committee and other IEEE Canada entities.
IEEE Canada Audit Committee
The Nominations Committee shall propose to the Steering Committee an Audit Committee that shall, on an annual basis, review policies and procedures which substantially impact the finances and operations of the Region, monitor conformance thereto, and recommend such changes as it considers desirable, in addition to their review of the Treasurer’s financial records for the previous calendar year. The Audit Committee shall consist of one Treasurer or other qualified member from each of the three Areas and one Past President who shall chair the committee. The Audit Committee shall meet during the Spring Meeting and conduct an overview of the budget, income and expenditure together with such policies and procedures as it deems necessary. The Audit Committee shall make a report to the Board at its Spring Meeting and recommend any changes to the Region policies and Procedures, or any remedial actions arising from its review of the financial records. The Board shall approve any recommendations of the Audit Committee. The ExCom shall report on the implementation of all recommendations made by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board to the Board and Chair of the Audit Committee.
IEEE Canada Nominations and Appointments Committee
The Nominations and Appointments Committee (N&A) shall be responsible for recommending qualified candidates for the position of President-Elect; assisting the President in identifying qualified candidates for IEEE Canada appointed positions and committees; and assisting the President in identifying qualified candidates for MGA and other IEEE positions.
The Past President shall chair the N&A Committee. The Committee shall consist of a representative from each Area and the President (ex-officio). All Committee members must be of Senior Member or Fellow grade.
IEEE Canada Conference Advisory Committee — CONAC
The Conference Advisory Committee (CONAC) shall provide leadership, encouragement and support to Sections and Chapters interested in sponsoring conferences. CONAC shall oversee the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), The Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), the International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM), and the International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IHTC) and report to the Executive Committee through the President-Elect. It shall also provide partial oversight to the International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WISEE), the WIE International Leadership Summit (WIE ILS), and any other IEEE conference, workshop, or symposium that is co-sponsored by IEEE Canada.
The Committee shall consist of the Chair, the Chairs of the past, current and next CCECE, the chairs of past, current and next EPEC, a representative from each Area, the Treasurer, President-Elect, and the President (ex-officio). Recommendations for representatives will be sought from each of the three Areas and others as needed. The CONAC Chair shall serve as a corresponding member of the Regional Conferences Committee of the IEEE Member Geographic Area Board.
For more information see Conference Advisory Committee – CONAC.