IEEE members in Canada can be nominated for and recognized by awards that are administered by different parts of IEEE.
- IEEE Canada Member Awards
- IEEE Canada Section Awards
- IEEE Canada Presidents’ Make-a-Difference Award
- IEEE MGA Awards
- IEEE Fellows
- IEEE Awards
The IEEE Canada Awards and Recognition Committee (ARC) urges you to consider nominating suitable candidates for the various awards that are available to IEEE Canada members and Sections.
Since IEEE Canada is a member of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), IEEE Canada members are also recognized by Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) Medals and Fellows.
See the Awards Calendar for a list of relevant IEEE Canada, MGA, IEEE, and EIC awards and (known) submission dates.
Awards Recipients
2024 Awards
2022 Awards
IEEE Canada returned to hosting an in-person Awards Gala as part of the CCECE Conference. The winners are listed in our 2022 Awards Brochure.
2021 Awards
IEEE Canada normally hosts an Awards Gala as part of the CCECE conference, but since this year’s conference has again moved online, we presented virtually as we did in 2000. The conference provided three slots for award. The presentations were given at the actual gala, with the McNaughton winner speaking in the noon slot. A special session was held the next day to hear about the work of some of the award winners.
2020 Awards
IEEE Canada normally hosts an Awards Gala as part of the CCECE conference, but since this year’s conference has moved online, we did things a bit differently. We have posted pre-recorded acceptance speeches, and we had a special online session to hear about the work of some of the award winners.
We also made our usual Awards Brochure 2020.
Past Awards
Past winners of the IEEE Canada Awards are listed under the specific awards, and in the awards brochures here:
- 2021 Awards Brochure
- 2020 Awards Brochure
- 2019 IEEE Canada Awards Brochure
- 2018 IEEE Canada Awards Brochure
- 2017_IEEE_Canada_Awards_Brochure
- 2016_Awards Brochure_2016
- 2015_IEEE_Can_Award_Brochure_2015
- 2014_IEEE_Canada_Awards_Brochure
- 2013 awards_booklet
- 2012 IEEE Canada Awards Brochure
- 2011 Awards Brochure
- 2010_IEEE Canada Awards Programme
- 2009_IEEE_Canada_Awards_Brochure
- 2008_IEEE_Canada_Awards_Brochure
- 2007 booklet
- 2006_brochure
- 2005_awards_booklet
- 2003_brochure
IEEE Canada Member Awards
IEEE Canada offers 7 achievement awards and 4 service awards and consist of medals, plaques, and travel allowances. For more details, see the full list of member awards. Nominations are due by November 30.
Geographical Units (Sections, Affinity Groups and Student Branches) Awards
IEEE Canada, and the IEEE Members and Geographical Activities (MGA), offer awards to Sections, their Affinity Groups (Life Members, Women in Engineering, Young Professionals) and their Student Branches, to recognize excellence demonstrated in the immediate past calendar year. Such IEEE volunteer geographical units are invited to self-nominate. See Awards Calendar below.
Exemplary Section Awards
IEEE Canada may give Awards annually to recognize exemplary Section leadership, management and administration for the immediate past year; one each in the following categories according to the Section’s membership count (including Students) as of December 31st:
- Large Section = 1,501 or more members
- Medium Section = 501 to 1,500 members
- Small Section = 500 or fewer members
The Area chairs will encourage their Sections to nominate themselves by the deadline, which is early in the following calendar year (see Awards Calendar below). Appropriate Section officers, using their IEEE account (credentials), will nominate following this link:
IEEE Members and Geographical Activities offers MGA Outstanding Section Awards in the same categories. Sections are acknowledged for maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries. N.B. The nominations calendar may vary annually.
Outstanding Affinity Groups Awards
IEEE Canada may give Awards annually to recognize Sections’ exemplary Affinity Groups leadership, management and administration for the immediate past year; one each in the following categories:
- Life Members (Ron Potts Award)
- Women in Engineering
- Young Professionals
See Awards Calendar below for nominations deadline. Appropriate Affinity Group officers, using their IEEE account (credentials), will nominate following this link:
IEEE (MGA-level) Committees offers awards in the same categories, as well as individual awards. N.B. The nominations calendar may vary annually. See:
Student Branches Awards
IEEE Canada may give the George Armitage Outstanding Student Branch Award to recognize to recognize extraordinary Student Branch achievements by Student members engaged in activities conforming to IEEE objectives and purposes. Management of the program is delegated to the IEEE Canada Student Activities Committee. See
IEEE Student Activities Committee (SAC) offers awards in the same category, as well as individual awards. N.B. The nominations calendar may vary annually. See
IEEE Canada Presidents’ Make-a-Difference Award
Program changes and description to be announced.
IEEE Member and Geographic Activities – manages its own awards that are designed to promote, recognize, and reward excellence in promoting the interests of IEEE as reflected in the operations of MGA and IEEE geographic unit activities. More details.
IEEE Fellows
IEEE Fellow Program recognizes people with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number selected in any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total voting Institute membership. More details.
IEEE Awards
The IEEE Awards Board (AB) administers the highest medals, awards, and recognitions presented by IEEE. Through its Awards Program, IEEE advances the interests of its members by recognizing their contributions in advancing the fields of interest to IEEE to the benefit of society. By this means, the image and prestige of the organization, its members, and the profession are all enhanced. The IEEE Awards Program honours members and other professionals for their service to society. For more details, visit the IEEE Awards website.
Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) Medals and Fellows

The Engineering Institute of Canada elects annually a select number of engineers to the grade of EIC Fellow for their exceptional contributions to engineering in Canada. As IEEE Canada is one of the 10 member societies in EIC, our members qualify for this recognition and are often among those being elected. Additionally, EIC presents a range of Medals to further recognize member contributions. Generally, EIC Fellows are nominated for the EIC Medals. More details.
Awards Calendar
IEEE Canada Awards
Applicant | Due Date | Award |
Section | Mar 15 | IEEE Canada Exemplary Section Awards |
WIE AG | Mar 15 | IEEE Canada WIE Affinity Group of the Year |
YP AG | Mar 15 | IEEE Canada YP Affinity Group of the Year |
LM AG | Mar 15 | IEEE Canada Ron Potts Award (Affinity Group of the Year) |
SB | Jun 15 | IEEE Canada SAC George Armitage Outstanding Student Branch |
Member or Open (R.H.Tanner) | Nov 30 | IEEE Canada Major Achievement Awards |
Volunteer | Nov 30 | IEEE Canada Major Service Awards |
MGA Awards
IEEE Awards
Applicant | Due Date | Award |
Individual | Jan 15 | IEEE Technical Field Awards – Submissions Due |
IEEE Staff | Jan 15 | IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member – Submissions Due |
Member | Mar 01 | IEEE Fellows – Submissions Due |
Individual | Jun 15 | IEEE Medals – Submissions Due |
Corporation | Jun 15 | IEEE Corporate Innovation Award – Submissions Due |
Volunteer | Jun 15 | IEEE R.M. Emberson Award (for service advancing IEEE technical objectives) – Submissions Due |
Volunteer | Jun 15 | IEEE H. Pratt Award (for outstanding volunteer service to IEEE) – Submissions Due |
YP Member | Jun 15 | IEEE T.W. Hissey Outstanding Young Professional Award – Submissions Due |
EIC Awards
Applicant | Due Date | Award |
Member | Nov 15 | EIC Honours & Awards – Submissions Due |